Radon Info Links

If you have recently discovered elevated levels of radon in your home, would like to know what your radon level is, or would like to know whether your existing radon system is functioning properly, fill out our quick form below and a qualified RadonAway Authorized Radon Professional who is certified in radon mitigation or radon testing, will contact you directly. https://www.radon.com/findpro/

General radon information and publications from the U.S. EPA https://www.epa.gov/radon
Regional and State specific information https://www.epa.gov/radon/epa-map-radon-zones-and-supplemental-information

AccuStar Labs has provided accurate, easy-to-use radon testing products since 1984. Their products and laboratories are NEHA and NRSB certified, and licensed in all States that have such requirements. http://www.accustarlabs.com

National Radon Proficiency Program

The NEHA National Radon Proficiency Program provides names of certified radon testing professionals, mitigators, and laboratories by state.

Indoor Environments Association

The American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST), the radon industry’s professional organization, provides radon information and links.


The National Radon Safety Board also provides names of certified radon testing professionals, mitigators, and laboratories by state.

The National Cancer Institute provides a fact sheet on radon gas and lung cancer as well as links to scientific studies.

Radon Leaders Saving Lives is an organization that was created by a coalition that includes the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, AARST, and EPA’s Radon program provides links to news, information, events and research studies about radon gas.

The American Lung Association’s website provides information, fact sheets, and links relevant to radon and radon-induced lung cancer. Enter the site, then type “radon” in the Search option.