
radon mitigation system label

The fact that you have reached this page of our website means one of four things:

  1. You have bought a home in which you saw a pipe labeled "Vent pipe for radon, moisture and other soil gas removal."
  2. You are considering buying a home where you saw our pipe label.
  3. You are a contractor working in a home where you are installing an Radon System or where you saw our pipe label.
  4. You accidentally happened upon this website, but you are interested in reading what it's all about.

What does the pipe label mean?

The home has either a passive or RRNC (Radon Resistant New Construction) installation or a full Radon System for reduction of radon and moisture. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers and the second leading cause in smokers. Moisture in homes creates an environment where mold, mildew and insects can flourish, causing asthma, allergies and other health problems.


How can you tell if you have a passive or active system?

Check your attic to see if a fan is installed or if you don’t have access to the attic, check the pipe in the basement to see if you have a u-tube manometer (see photo to the right). If you don’t see the fan or the u-tube, you do not have an active system.

What is an active system and what does it do?

An active Radon System reduces radon and moisture by drawing them from below the slab of the house and up through the vent pipe, exhausting them safely into the air above the roof. The only way that a passive or RRNC system can be activated is by having a radon fan installed. We strongly recommend that this be done by a certified professional. (See Find a Professional)